Job opening at Aldona
Full Time
Bachelor Of Engineering - Bachelor Of Technology (B.E./B.Tech.)
100000 to 300000
2023 Nov,27
Soumya Sahu
81090 36707
Facilitate installation and commissioning of hardware & peripherals deployed at all the
designated offices in district level
To diagnose and troubleshoot software and hardware problems and help users to install
applications and programs
Providing IT Application & support for Web / Mobile Applications to various users /
stakeholder departments, such as Police, Transport, Highways, Health, etc. at district level
Preparation of the Status Report and Issue Tracker for submission to the state level
Co-ordination with the Hardware Vendors / Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Providers
for any hardware related issues & escalate to State Level Coordinator
Submission of weekly report to State Technical Support Engineer / Coordinator on progress
of iRAD Project or any officer designated for implementation of the iRAD Project by the State
at district level
Regular review of all the services delivered under iRAD Project and help in resolution of
operational issues, if any, at district level
Be the first point of escalations for any failure in the performance of the service
Escalating to any officer designated for implementation of the iRAD Project by the State at
district level for cases for which services have been delayed
Ensuring the technical infrastructure is working round the clock at district level
Co-ordination with Helpdesk Team for resolution of any technical failure
Visiting Stakeholder departments and giving hands on training to the officials within the
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