Job opening at Bengaluru
Full Time
Any Graduate
1500000 to 2000000
2023 Jul,18
Madhavi Chatterjee
les & Profitability
To drive Small Business Loan (SBL) (un secured) business through Muthoot Finance branches /digital business andopenmarkets
To develop sales growth strategy, target market identification, mapping company's offerings to market needs inafast-paced environment
To do sales budgeting. i.e. Based on the business target Decide on Manpower required & its salary costing, Incentivestructure & Targets
To develop and execute business plans for achieving the targets of the Business Loan
Business Development
To create and drive alternate channels for Sales along with the regular channels
To open up avenues for business through corporate channel
To Scan the National market and its competitive offerings on a periodic basis; report on emerging trends andbusinessopportunities for the consumer business. Should give a quarterly update on various Salaried Personal Loan products in the markets offered by competitors. Business Development initiatives
To understand the market dynamics and accordingly suggest Credit & product team in
devising competitive pricing structure periodically
*India's No. 1 Most Trusted Financial Services Brand by Power of Trust, TRA's Brand Trust Report for 6 years since 2016. With a resolute focus on providing customers with the best services, Muthoot Finance has managed to earn the trust of millions. Read more