Job opening at Noida
Full Time
Any Graduate
100000 to 300000
2024 Feb,06
Apeksha Peshwani
● Conduct the entire quality checks for inprocess applications and ensure hygiene. ● Ensure the authenticity of the documents by following standards and protocols. ● Evaluate the eligibility criteria of each applicants against the pre-requisite of Programme/University. ● Verify the completeness of documents submitted in support of each applications to ensure high acceptability. ● Communicate with the respective stakeholders on a timely basis and ensure that application deadlines are met. ● Update the internal portals on a regular basis and ensure accuracy. ● Work alongside the QC Lead to develop the SOPs and assist in training
Leverage Edu helps students figure what they should do and where they should be at - wherever that be in the world - to realise their full potential. It helps students navigate & assess their journey thus far, matches them to personalised mentors, counsels them towards their higher education dream with an employability lens, and makes sure that everyone punched way above their weight to make dream Read more