Job opening at Noida
Full Time
Any Graduate
100000 to 400000
2024 Apr,10
Apeksha Peshwani
● Identify and develop strategic relationships with potential students. ● Develop a strong pipeline of new students through direct or indirect contact and subsequent prospecting. ● Monitor and analyse the pipeline to review performance & optimise accordingly to ensure success. ● Maintain strong follow-ups and regular feedback calls. ● Create lead engagement plans and strategies to onboard new students. ● Promote the company’s products/ services by addressing or predicting student’s objectives. ● Efficient and effective lead utilisation with consistent follow-ups, low Turn-AroundTime (TAT) and increased connectivity with multiple attempts. ● Update and create tailored students proposals and negotiate further to ensure closure.
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Leverage Edu helps students figure what they should do and where they should be at - wherever that be in the world - to realise their full potential. It helps students navigate & assess their journey thus far, matches them to personalised mentors, counsels them towards their higher education dream with an employability lens, and makes sure that everyone punched way above their weight to make dream Read more